
Craiber is a Kull that has a tail that is a crawlfish claw. His eyes glow. Just a floofy little guy

What is a kull?
(this is from Fern, the creater of the Kull spieces, just formated so it's hopefully easier to read) Please note that this species may or may not be still worked on.

Kulls are basically little creatures that evolved into existence, they communicate with echo like purrs and chirps.
They can be any color, shape and can have any feature (more on those later)
Their current size are of a rabbit and they have long scale or fur covered tails. They may be born with short fur, thick fur, or no fur at all!
They're very attracted to shiny objects, some humans that may still see them recalling them having "ravens sight" as a joke, kulls are as smart as a 7 year old and will use some objects accordingly, usually passed on through learning or observing humans.
They also have been known to be kept as pets for they're adorable appearance.
They have small wings that can help them glide instead of fly.
They have many natural predators, though it's hard to keep their population down.
From a humans perspective it is believed some are bound to good luck, though kulls with jackalope features are called "deaths luck" and have been killed on sight, so it's extremely rare for ones to have jackalope features
Kulls with fish traits are known to have whale sounding calls that echo even through water, with fish like features and tail